Photography headlines for the week

In between glamour, boudoir and headshot sessions for my beautiful clients, I also love staying abreast of all the latest news in the world of photography. Some of the highlights of the week include:

1) On the Road: Dennis Hopper’s 1960’s Photography

I had no idea that Dennis Hopper was such a talented photographer. With a keen eye for composition and intimate access to some of the biggest celebrities of the ‘60s, this article features a collection of portraits by the Easy Rider star that is well worth taking a look at.

2) The Eye of the Sun: 19th Century Photographs from the National Gallery of Art

If you’re going to be in Washington D.C. be sure to check out this exhibition which looks simply incredible… It features 19th century photographs by the likes of Julia Margaret Cameron, Gustave Le Gray, and Eadweard Muybridge. Organized chronologically and by theme, "The Eye of the Sun" travels from 1840s work by William Henry Fox Talbot, an inventor and early photography pioneer, through to pictures taken by Kodak's first snapshot camera in the late 1880s.

3) 10 Most Important Moments in Photography History

If you’re not super familiar with the history of photography this article and the little video it includes provide a really nice little overview of 10 big moments that have impacted the photography industry in the last 160 years.